
Well, hello there!


I´ve been postponing creating a blog simply because... well, i´m lazy. First fact. I have been sharing and learning so much through a Facebook portuguese sewing group and Instagram that I thought it was enough. The thing is, i´ve been feeling the urge to talk more and share more ideas about sewing and that made me take the plunge.
More facts. I´m a sunny portuguese gal (don´t you just love our weather?), not yet 32, math and science teacher, and passionate, ohhh so passionate about soooo many things. The guy, my guy, my highschool sweetheart and now partner for crime life. My dear dear girl Joana, almost four, and my tasmanian devil energetic sweet boy Miguel, two. They are THE reason I started sewing.
I have always looked at things and thought "hey, I could do that". Blame it on my father who is the most crafted, multifaceted and talented person. So, I started looking at the clothes I was buying for my kids and decided to have a go.
I´m self taught and here we should stop to give a round of applause to...(drum roll, please)... the Internet. You can learn everything from there and...(second bigger round of applause)... sewing bloggers. There are some really crazy talented people out there making it so easy for us, beginners.
I consider myself an intermediate/fearless beginner and have done, so far, a lot of things my kids and I really wear. The goal? An entire wardrobe. Or, better said, three entire wardrobes (sorry husband, just pyjama pants for now). Nothing to ambitious, right?
I have been hoarding collecting patterns from Burda magazines, pdf well known patterns and books, especially japanese sewing books. Although I already have a few children favourites, it´s harder to find good fit patterns for myself because I´m petite sized, but japanese patterns were a great find and I have recently found some others I will talk about later on.
So, what to expect? A lot of selfish sewing. With some music because, well, it makes all the cursing that stupid f#$%& machine sound better. That´s my place in life right now.

About the name: do I even need to talk about that song, that beautiful, teardroping song? It just sums me up.

9 comentários

  1. I'm already loving it!! Song included. :)

    1. Obrigada Inês, o teu La Folie é simplesmente maravilhoso!! O vestido inspirado na Team Zissou estava brilhante! (e daquela gola em ponto cruz nem vou falar, ok?) :)

  2. Yay!! I am so glad you finally took the plunge! Can't wait for you to start sharing your makings. I have seen some and they are... well... amazing!
    E é sempre fantástico poder acompanhar mais um blog de (boa) costura em português! Já ganhaste uma seguidora assídua. :) Afinal de contas já temos várias coisas em comum: uma princesinha de 4 anos, a costura e a ciência. :)
    Parabéns! E boas bloguices!!

    1. Sara, obrigada! Eu quero umas Hudson pants também, está na lista! As dos teus miúdos estavam top! Aiii as princesas de 4 anos e os seus dramas... ;)

  3. Olá Andreia! Prazer em conhecer-te! Nesta pequena introdução vi tanto em comum (idade, tamanho, nº e género de filhos) que é impossível não querer seguir e ver o que fazes.

    1. Olá Magda! A sério? Alguém como eu, tamanho Zara Kids? Então espero que gostes, já conhecia a House of Estrela mas não estava marcada, done! Bjs

  4. Andreia, que bom! Partilhar é tão saudável e vais ver que é uma das partes mais saborosas do processo... eu sinto-me sempre super orgulhosa quando acabo qualquer coisa para a minha piolha! (em breve serão duas, será orgulho a dobrar!!) Como é lógico, já não te perco de vista... ;-) Ps- adoro a música <3

  5. Olá Andreia! Pode me dizer qual é o grupo no Facebook? Gostava de fazer parte se for possível. Falta-me sempre alguém para tirar dúvidas,. partilhar ideias, etc. beijinho!
